Portillo’s Introduces New Plant-Based Garden Dog

The new Garden Dog features the Field Roast Signature Stadium Dog custom-crafted for Portillo’s and topped with the classic Chicago-style hot dog toppings, including mustard, relish, chopped onions, tomatoes, celery salt, pickle spear, and sport peppers on a steamed poppy seed bun.

Portillo’s Introduces New Plant-Based Garden Dog

All Field Roast Plant-Based Dogs are double smoked using maple hardwood chips and a combination of steam and dry heat. The plant-based hot dog also boasts the same amount of protein per serving as most traditional hot dogs, but with less sodium and no nitrites or GMOs.

You can find the new plant-based Garden Dog at participating Portillo’s locations in-restaurant or online at Portillos.com.

Image via Portillo’s

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